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Can Gardenia Be Grown Indoors

Can gardenia be grown indoors

Can gardenia be grown indoors

Indoor gardenias require cool temperatures, moderate humidity, and plenty of bright light to thrive. When you first bring your gardenia home, it is essential to have the best spot picked out because they do not respond well to being moved around.

Is gardenia outdoor or indoor plant?

Gardenias can be grown either as a house plant or planted outdoors. Since you have both options, I highly recommend outdoors. They require high light and a moist environment and supplying these conditions indoors can become a problem. In warm climates such as ours, it is best to plant in partial shade.

Are gardenias hard to grow indoors?

Gardenias are well known for their amazing fragrance and beautiful flowers. They're often considered to be difficult plants to grow indoors, but if you provide gardenias with what they need to thrive, they'll grow beautifully in your home.

Can you bring gardenia indoors for winter?

A gardenia kept indoors over winter needs a location near a sunny window where it can receive at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. Indoor air is dry in winter, so you will have to provide extra humidity for the plant during the winter months.

How do you keep gardenias alive indoors?

Humidity. Especially if you're counting on them to develop buds and bloom, gardenias will need plenty of humidity indoors. Their preferred level is 50 percent! It helps a bit to mist them with plain water, but you'll also need to provide a tray with wet pebbles or moist sand positioned below each pot.

How often do you water gardenias indoors?

Gardenias need at least 1 inch of rain (or equivalent watering) each week. Keep the soil consistently damp but not soggy. Don't let the soil dry out and don't over-water your Gardenias or the flower buds will not open and may even drop off.

Do gardenias do well in pots?

Gardenias grow very well in containers or pots and can add beauty and fragrance to a patio, front porch or terrace. These evergreen fragrant plants are easy to grow outdoors in containers. They are easy to care for and only require occasional pruning to keep their shape and size.

Can I leave my gardenia outside in the winter?

These flowering evergreen shrubs are hardy in areas that have hard freezes, but not where winter temperatures sink below 10°F, or for some types, below 5 or even -5°F. If you have your heart set on gardenias but you live in an area with winter weather they can't survive, you can still grow them.

Why are the leaves on my gardenia turning yellow and falling off?

Naturally, some older leaves on gardenias may become yellow and drop off, particularly at the beginning of spring when the new leaves are on their way. This is normal so no need to start worrying. But if many older leaves are yellowing, your gardenia may be dying from root rot due to overwatering or poor soil drainage.

How do I get my gardenias to bloom indoors?

Gardenias need at least four hours of sunlight daily (most blooming plants have basically this requirement, although there are exceptions). Without at least this much light, they just won't bloom. However, in our fairly brutal summer heat, some afternoon shade will protect the gardenia's foliage from burning.

How long does a gardenia live for?

Average Lifespan. Although most mature gardenias remain about 4 to 6 feet tall, older specimens can easily reach past 10 feet. To create this large shrub, gardenias live up to 50 years old with proper care.

Can a potted gardenia survive winter?

In Closing. Gardenias are hardy plants that can survive the winter as long as they are grown in the right zone. If you live outside zones 7-10, it is necessary to plant your gardenia in a pot, that way you can bring it inside for the winter.

What do I do with my potted gardenia in the winter?

Your gardenia plant is dormant during the winter months so it does not need a lot of constant watering. You will want to keep the soil moist but not wet or soggy. Test the moisture by sticking your finger a few inches under the soil surface. It should feel moist to the touch but not wet.

What temperature is too cold for gardenias?

Most gardenias will suffer some cold damage at temperatures below 20°F, and even the uber-hardy types might lose a few leaves to browning in colder temperatures.

How do I save my gardenia plant in the winter?

So she's really quite special the weather's changing winter is upon us and suddenly. It's colder

Why is my indoor gardenia dying?

The most common cause of a Gardenia dying is root rot caused by soggy soil conditions or overwatering. Look for generalized leaf yellowing and wilting despite wet soil. Pests, disease, insufficient light, and overfertilizing are also common causes of a Gardenia struggling.

Should you cut off dead flowers on gardenia?

It is a good idea to deadhead gardenias. Removing spent blooms prevents the plant from setting seed. Deadhead a gardenia after the blooms wilt and it will direct its energy into producing flowers allowing you to enjoy more of the wonderful blooms. Remove old flowers and the shrub will look more attractive, too.

What do you do with gardenias after they bloom?

With clean, sharp pruners, cut off the entire spent bloom just above a leaf set so you are not leaving odd-looking bare stems. Deadheading like this will also promote the stems to branch out, creating a thicker, fuller shrub. Stop deadheading gardenias in late summer to early fall.

Why are gardenias so hard to grow?

Gardenias are known to be a bit of a challenge for gardeners. Frankly, the plant is picky and often needs more attention than other flowering shrubs. It prefers fairly acidic soil (a pH of 5.0 to 6.0), likes a tropical climate (but suffers in too much direct sun), and doesn't transplant well.

Do gardenias like coffee grounds?

Are Coffee Grounds Good for Gardenias? Don't worry about adding more coffee grounds to your gardenia soil; these flowers absolutely love coffee. In addition to being an excellent source of nitrogen, the acid in coffee lowers the pH of the surrounding soil, stimulating the roots of acid-loving plants such as gardenias.

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